May 27, 2020
How have you been navigating grocery shopping, cooking, and meal
planning during quarantine? My habits certainly have changed, and
I've talked about it on the show over the past few months. So this
week, I thought it would be fun to hear from three fellow dietitian
friends and podcast hosts to see how they're coping with the new
normal and how their cooking, shopping, and eating habits have
evolved over the past few months.
Tune in for tips on turning dinner into tasty lunch leftovers the
next day; how to bust through dinnertime boredom by trying new "out
of the box" recipes; and why you don't have to feel guilty if
you're not baking your own sourdough bread.
Amber Pankonin hails from the great state of Nebraska. She hosts the Healthy Under Pressure podcast, where she interviews entrepreneurs about how they thrive and grow even when faced with daily stresses and challenges. Amber has important words of wisdom for each of us about giving ourselves a break during difficult times and not feeling like we have to be Wonder Woman or Superman right now. She reminds us that we don’t have to play the comparison game. I am not making sourdough bread at home, and I’m no longer feeling guilty about it.
David Orozco is a “guy-e-titian” who hosts the One Small Bite podcast where he addresses nutrition topics for men. He joins us from Georgia with survival stories from his home kitchen. Every night he’s there with his wife and daughter as they prepare healthy dinner meals that double up as lunch the next day. No PB & J for this guy-e-titian!
Melissa Joy Dobbins, from Illinois, hosts the Sound Bites podcast. She has a magical way of taking the latest science and nutrition and translating it into essential news that we can all use. She’s home with her husband and two kids now, and she’s craving variety because she’s bored with the same old meals. You could say that the pandemic has brought out the chef in Melissa as she has explored new mealtime creations. She’ll share her inspiration with us.
Show Highlights:
From Amber:
From David:
From Melissa:
Links for Amber:
Amber’s website:
Amber’s podcast:
Instagram: @RDamber
Twitter: @RDamber
Liz’s Asparagus Quiche:
Liz’s cookbooks that she’s revisiting:
Links for David:
David’s website:
David’s podcast:
Links for Melissa::
Melissa’s podcast:
Instagram: @melissajoyrd
Twitter: @melissajoyrd
Facebook: @MelissaJoyDobbinsSoundBites
Do More with Dinner initiative:
Joan Nathan’s chicken soup:
The One-Pot Weight Loss Plan by Shelley Rael, MS, RDN